Risk management
The Sandvik risk management process aims to support our business in managing and mitigating critical risks which may impact our ability to achieve our financial targets and strategic objectives.

ERM – a part of our strategic work
To effectively identify and manage risk is an important element of business success for all parts of the Sandvik business.
Supporting the day-to-day risk management in the operations, Sandvik has an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program that covers all business areas, divisions, and functions within the Group. The Sandvik Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for the governance of risk management and the Sandvik Group Executive Management ensures there is a common and efficient process in place. All management teams are responsible for their own risk management. The teams must follow the minimum requirements outlined in The Sandvik Way, which requires reviewing the strategic and operational risks at least annually. The ERM methodology is also used as a tool for decision-making, operationally and within projects, as well as in the strategy process in various levels of the Group.
Sandvik Group risk profile and key risks
The Sandvik Group risk profile is based on the bottom-up ERM process where the divisions, business areas and functions first make their assessment and the Group Risk Management Network then makes recommendations for a new Group risk profile based on the outcome of these assessments.
The ERM process is complemented with a strategic analysis by the Group Executive Management to more specifically identify key risk areas that are tied to our ability to execute on our Group strategy. The purpose is to get a focused and concrete risk landscape for the Group to enable good follow-up of the different risk-mitigating activities in relation to the strategic goals.
The Sandvik Key Risk map is presented under Strategic risk landscape. The map is coupled with a follow-up model for tracking the different initiatives that lead to better risk mitigation, which the Group Executive Management team review and discuss regularly. This creates a more dynamic and strategically relevant risk management discussion at the highest levels of the company.
The outcome of the strategic analysis is presented in the table under Key risks 2024.
An ERM report, summarizing key risks and mitigating activities across our business, was provided to the Sandvik Audit Committee and Board of Directors in December 2024. The Board of Directors’ and the Audit Committee’s involvement in the ERM process is further described under Board Committees.
Insurance as a risk management tool
Sandvik has tailored insurance programs that transfer the risks associated with, amongst others, the Group’s property, cargo, and liability exposures. Insurable risks are continuously evaluated, and actions are taken to reduce these risks as part of the Sandvik loss-prevention strategy. Supported by our loss-prevention procedure and guidelines, risk evaluations highlight opportunities to reduce the potential for business interruption and to ensure the Group’s ability to deliver to its customers. To ensure cost efficient and tailored insurance solutions, selected risks are reinsured through the Group’s captive insurance company.
Business continuity and crisis management
The Global Risk Management Policy and related procedures for business continuity and crisis management set the requirements for local management teams to ensure their ability to successfully respond to disruptive events and continue their business operations on an acceptable level when faced with challenges. Once a risk materializes, our crisis and business continuity management priorities are to minimize harm to people, to the environment, and to minimize damage to the Sandvik business, as well as ensuring a swift return to normal activities and safeguarding the company brands.
Internal audit and internal control as part of Sandvik risk management
The internal audit function regularly follows up the implementation of different risk management programs such as ERM, business continuity, crisis management and the insurance programs. Sandvik applies Group-wide internal controls to monitor risk mitigations. Read more about the internal controls program at Sandvik.
Sustainability and climate change
Assessment and management of sustainability risks, including extreme weather events and climate change, are integrated parts of the ERM- and property loss prevention programs and are set out in the Sandvik Key Risks map and Risk Profiles in different parts of the organization. Sandvik has assessed current and future natural and climate change-related hazards for our locations covering 285 individual sites and 94 percent of the overall Total Insured Value (TIV). The assessment reflects the current situation and models the evolution of Natural Hazards under different climate change scenarios and at different future time horizons.
The goals with the assessment are to provide an overview of the physical climate risks facing the portfolio of sites at different time horizons and under different climate change scenarios, and to establish a ranking of locations from high to low climate risk based on climate data and insured values. The assessment is used to support in the identification and prioritization of management actions within the loss prevention program, which may include in-depth assessments of sites and investments in resilience measures, as upcoming steps in the Sandvik climate resilience journey.