Group notes
- G1 Significant accounting principles
- G2 Segment information
- G3 Categories of revenue
- G4 Personnel information and remuneration of management
- G5 Remuneration to auditors
- G6 Other operating income
- G7 Other operating expenses
- G8 Operating expenses
- G9 Net financial items
- G10 Income tax
- G11 Earnings per share
- G12 Intangible assets
- G13 Property, plant and equipment
- G14 Right-of-use assets
- G15 Shares in associates, joint ventures and financial assets
- G16 Non-current receivables
- G17 Inventories
- G18 Trade receivables
- G19 Other current receivables
- G20 Capital and reserves
- G21 Provisions for pension and other non-current post-employment benefits
- G22 Other interest-bearing liabilities
- G23 Other provisions
- G24 Other liabilities
- G25 Accrued expenses
- G26 Contingent liabilities and pledged assets
- G27 Supplementary information – financial risk management
- G28 Transactions with related parties
- G29 Supplementary information to the cash flow statement, group total
- G30 Business combinations
- G31 Divestments, assets held for sale and discontinued operations
- G32 Government grants
- G33 Events after the end of the period