Ownership structure
As of December 31, 2024, the Sandvik share capital amounted to SEK 1,505,263,107.60 represented by 1,254,385,923 shares. At year-end, Sandvik had about 135,000 shareholders and AB Industrivärden was the largest owner with about 14.6 percent of the share capital. Of the total share capital at year-end, about 40 percent was owned by investors outside Sweden.
December 31, 2024, % |
Industrivärden |
14.6 |
Alecta Pension Insurance |
4.5 |
BlackRock |
3.5 |
Swedbank Robur Funds |
3.4 |
Vanguard |
3.3 |
Lundbergföretagen |
3.1 |
Handelsbanken Funds |
2.7 |
Norges Bank Investment Management |
1.9 |
SEB Investment Management |
1.9 |
Folksam |
1.4 |
Shareholders’ meeting
The General Meeting of Shareholders is the highest decision-making body. At the Annual General Meeting, the shareholders are given the possibility to exercise their voting rights in relation to, for example, the Annual Report, dividends, election of the Board and appointment of auditor, and other matters stipulated in the Companies Act, the Articles of Association and, where applicable, the Code.
All shareholders who have been entered in the share register and have informed the company of their participation within the time limit stated in the notice of the General Meeting are entitled to participate at the General Meeting and vote according to the number of shares held. Shareholders are also entitled to be represented by a proxy at a General Meeting. According to the Articles of Association, the Board may also decide to allow shareholders to exercise their voting rights through postal voting before the General Meeting.
All shares in Sandvik carry equal voting rights with one vote per share.
2024 Annual General Meeting

Shareholders representing 61.6 percent of the share capital and votes participated at the Annual General Meeting held on April 29, 2024. Resolutions included the following:
- Dividend of SEK 5.50 per share
- Election of Susanna Schneeberger as new Board member and re-election of Board members Claes Boustedt, Marika Fredriksson, Johan Molin, Andreas Nordbrandt, Helena Stjernholm, Stefan Widing and Kai Wärn as well as re-election of Johan Molin as Chairman of the Board
- Re-election of PricewaterhouseCoopers AB as auditor
- Approval of the Board’s remuneration report
- Guidelines for the remuneration of senior executives
- Long-term incentive program in the form of a performance share program for about 350 senior executives and key employees in the Group
- Authorization for the Board to decide on the acquisition of the company’s own shares up to a maximum of 10 percent of all the shares in the company
For additional information about the Annual General Meeting, including the minutes, visit home.sandvik.
2025 Annual General Meeting
The next Annual General Meeting will be held in Sandviken, Sweden, on April 29, 2025. More information can be found in the notice convening the General Meeting and at home.sandvik.