G20 Capital and reserves
2023 |
2024 |
Translation reserve |
At the beginning of the year |
13,806 |
10,693 |
Translation differences during the year |
–3,113 |
5,846 |
At the end of the year |
10,693 |
16,539 |
Hedging reserve |
At the beginning of the year |
–108 |
727 |
Net investment hedges recognized in OCI |
839 |
–1,254 |
Cash-flow hedges recognized in OCI |
–4 |
–34 |
At the end of the year |
727 |
–561 |
Total reserves |
Reserves at the beginning of the year |
13,698 |
11,420 |
Changes in reserves: |
Translation reserve |
–3,113 |
5,846 |
Hedging reserve |
835 |
–1,288 |
Fair value reserve |
0 |
–16 |
Reserves at the end of the year |
11,420 |
15,962 |
The Board of Directors proposes an ordinary dividend of SEK 5.75 per share (5.50). The proposal corresponds to 48 percent (43) of Sandvik Group’s total adjusted earnings per share. The proposed record date to receive dividends is May 2, 2025. Assuming the General Meeting accepts the dividend proposal, the date to receive dividends will be May 7, 2025, and the dividend will be paid in one installment. The Annual General Meeting will be held on April 29, 2025.
No changes were made to the processes for managing capital during the year. Neither the Parent Company nor any of its subsidiaries have to comply with externally imposed capital requirements.
§ Accounting principles
Translation reserve
The translation reserve comprises all foreign exchange differences arising on the translation of the financial statements of foreign operations stated in a currency different from the Group’s presentation currency.
Hedging reserve
The hedging reserve comprises the effective portion of the cumulative net change in the fair value of cash-flow hedging instruments and net investment hedges related to hedged transactions that have not yet occurred. The change in cash-flow hedges that was transferred to profit (loss) for the year amounted to SEK 17 million (0).
Put options issued to owners with non-controlling interests
Put options issued to owners with non-controlling interests refer to agreements that give the owner the right to sell interests in the company, either at a fixed price or a fair value at a future period in time. The amount to be paid if the option is exercised is initially recognized, at present value, as a financial liability. The liability is remeasured and any change in present value is recognized in equity. If the option is not exercised by maturity the liability is derecognized with a corresponding adjustment in equity.