NF2 Stakeholder dialogues
Sandvik has identified a range of stakeholders who are anticipated to be impacted by the company or have the potential to influence Sandvik. We actively engage with these stakeholders to gain insights into their relationships with Sandvik and to identify potential impacts, risks, and opportunities as part of our materiality assessment. Stakeholders include customers, employees and investors as well as affected stakeholders in our value chain.
In 2024, Sandvik actively engaged with analysts, investors, and shareholders to discuss the implementation of strategic initiatives, the impact of the 2030 Sustainability Goals on Sandvik business, specific targets and outcomes, and our contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We continued to prioritize ongoing dialogues with customers, focusing on key areas such as product development for enhanced safety, increased energy efficiency, and encouraging electrification. Continuous communication with employees is ensured through regular meetings, employee surveys, and performance dialogues, and sustainability-related perspectives are integrated into Sandvik employee surveys. Furthermore, Sandvik maintains regular interactions and discussions with unions around the sustainability agenda.
Membership in organizations
Sandvik is a signatory of the UN Global Compact and is active in various industry associations, such as Jernkontoret (steel producers), Svemin (mines, minerals, and metal producers), the International Council of Swedish Industry (NIR), the Cobalt Institute, the International Tungsten Industry Association, the Responsible Minerals Initiative, and The Tungsten Industry Conflict Minerals Council.