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The Sandvik Compliance Program encompasses four key areas: Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Competition Law, Trade & Third-Party Management, and Data Privacy. The purpose is to establish a well-functioning structure for effectively managing primary compliance risks in all countries where Sandvik operates. Group Compliance sets the compliance program requirements, including risk identification, policies, relevant training and communication, monitoring and assurance, reporting, and more. These requirements are then implemented by each business area. The Group Compliance function reports to the Sandvik Group General Counsel, the Group Executive Management and the Audit Committee.

For coordinating efforts, identifying synergies, and driving continuous improve­ments, a Compliance Functional Council has been established. This council, comprising representatives from both the Group and business areas, has been operational for several years and typically meet on a quarterly basis.

Sandvik operates in countries and industries with elevated corruption and sanctions risks, both directly and indirectly through business relationships. This situation underscores the potential significant impact the company could have on the economy, people, and the environment. To address these challenges, Sandvik runs a compliance program based on a zero-tolerance approach. Key guiding documents shaping the anti-corruption part of this program include the Code of Conduct, an anti-corruption policy, and procedures governing commercial and administrative intermediaries, gifts, hospitality, travel and entertainment, and conflicts of interest. The commitment to identify and prevent corruption is not limited to these; it is also integrated into other steering documents such as the M&A procedure and the Community Involvement, Sponsorship and Donations procedure. The Speak Up policy and its underlying investigation procedure are vital components of the program.

All operational entities within Sandvik have a mandate to assess and collaboratively address their compliance risks together with the compliance organization. The aim is to identify and prevent potential negative impacts stemming from compliance-related issues. The actions taken by these entities undergo scrutiny from both internal and external audits. Any perceived negative impacts and weaknesses can also be raised, and where relevant, remediated through the Speak Up process. Where possible, this process supports the identification of concerns and enables a dialogue with individuals reporting issues. To measure and assess progress, targets and indicators are established annually through the Compliance Functional Council. These may include self-assessments covering various aspects, including anti-corruption, sanctions, export control, data privacy, and competition law efforts. Action plans are then formulated based on identified gaps, with a commitment to completing them within specified deadlines. This systematic approach, where possible, ensures ongoing evaluation and improvement in our compliance practices. In 2024, the compliance program was subject to an external review focusing on Anti-bribery and Corruption, Competition Law, and Trade & Third Party Management. Recommendations from this review will help us enhance the program further in the coming years.