Stakeholder dialogs

We engage in an open dialogue with our stakeholders on how sustainability activities are conducted, our priorities, decisions and the results that are achieved. As an example, structured dialogues are being held as part of the materiality analysis, on which we base our reporting in accordance with GRI Standards. Stakeholder dialogues are continuously conducted at Group level and, to a large degree, in the business areas and in the local companies throughout the world. Sandvik’s stakeholders are identified on the basis of their interest in Sandvik and sustainability issues and the stakeholders’ potential impact on the company. We present how we work with the key topics raised in our annual report (page references below) and on our web. Example of dialogues held 2018:

Analysts, investors, shareholders: Dialogues are mainly held in individual meetings or in groups. Among topics discussed: sustainability strategy implementation (Sustainable business governance), targets and target outcome (Sustainability targets: our offerings and our operations) and contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals). We also received specific questions on our carbon emissions (Key figures).

Suppliers, customers, authorities, other business partners: Customer dialogues are held continously and we receive a number of questionnaires covering the full sustainability agenda. Further, there is an emphasis on product development, for example to increase customer safety and energy effiency of the products (chapter Operations). We have an ongoing dialogue with suppliers relating to the Suppler Code of Conduct (Sustainable supplier management). Sandvik was in dialogue with the Swedish Ministry of Finance to discuss the UN Sustainable Development Goals during 2018.

Employees: Continous dialogue through meetings, employee surveys and performance management meetings. Topics discussed include health and safety (Health and Safety).

Organizations, NGOs, academia, media, unions: Meetings with unions where our sustainability strategy was discussed (Sustainable business strategy). Swedwatch, a Swedish non-profit research organization, published a report on how Sandvik, among other companies, work with human rights (Human rights and fair labor conditions).

Memberships in organizations

Sandvik is a member of the UN Global Compact. Sandvik is also part of the industry associations Jernkontoret (steel producers) and Svemin (mines minerals and metal producers) where a number of sustainability initiatives are being taken, particularly in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.