
Consolidated and Parent Company financial statements. (Amounts in tables in MSEK, unless otherwise stated)

  1. Note 1. Segment information
  2. Note 2. Categories of revenue
  3. Note 3. Personnel information and remuneration of management and auditors
  4. Note 3.1 Average number of employees
  5. Note 3.2 Wages, salaries, other remuneration and social costs
  6. Note 3.3 Wages, salaries and other remuneration by market area
  7. Note 3.4 Gender distribution in senior management
  8. Note 3.5 Remuneration of the Board of Directors and senior executives
  9. Note 3.6 Fees and remuneration to the Group’s auditors
  10. Note 4. Research, development and quality assurance
  11. Note 5. Other operating income
  12. Note 6. Other operating expenses
  13. Note 7. Operating expenses
  14. Note 8. Fees for finance and operating leases
  15. Note 9. Net financing cost
  16. Note 10. Income tax
  17. Note 11. Earnings per share
  18. Note 12. Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment, Group
  19. Note 13. Intangible assets and property, plant and equipment, Parent Company
  20. Note 14. Shares in Group companies
  21. Note 15. Investments in associated companies
  22. Note 16. Non-current receivables and other current receivables
  23. Note 17. Inventories
  24. Note 18. Trade receivables
  25. Note 19. Capital and reserves
  26. Note 20. Provisions for pension and other non-current post-employment benefits
  27. Note 21. Other provisions
  28. Note 22. Non-current interest-bearing liabilities
  29. Note 23. Other interest-bearing liabilities
  30. Note 24. Other non-interest-bearing liabilities
  31. Note 25. Accrued expenses and deferred income
  32. Note 26. Contingent liabilities and pledged assets
  33. Note 27. Supplementary information – financial risk management
  34. Note 28. Related parties
  35. Note 29. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement
  36. Note 30. Acquisition and divestment of operations, discontinued operations and assets held for sale
  37. Note 31. Parent Company particulars
  38. Note 32. Information on shares, owners and rights
  39. Note 33. Proposed appropriation of profits
  40. Note 34. Events after the close of the period