Human rights and fair labor conditions
Our commitment to human rights and fair labor conditions is confirmed in our Code of Conduct and in our Supplier Code of Conduct in which we support, amongst others, the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The Sandvik Code of Conduct, supported by our core values, also provides guidance in identifying, preventing and mitigating risks related to human rights and fair labor conditions.
To mitigate risks related to human rights, we continuously work to ensure compliance with national legislation and internationally agreed human rights standards and regulations. We regularly evaluate our processes and procedures for identifying, preventing and mitigating these risks in the Group’s operations and in our value chain. Our work on human rights and fair working terms is integrated in our regular processes and procedures in different ways, for example, in our Sustainable Supplier Management, our safety work and in our diversity and inclusion scheme. We have zero tolerance for forced or slave labor and child labor.
We support children’s rights and the right to education through our community involvement initiatives in, for example, a Sandvik Fellow project in India. All employees have the right, if they choose, to join a union and to be covered by a collective agreement. We do not accept any form of harassment or bullying and believe in a diverse workforce without any form of discrimination based on gender identity, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, marital status, social group or any other characteristics.