NF2 Stakeholder dialogues
We have defined a number of stakeholders who can be expected to be affected by Sandvik or have an effect on Sandvik, of which the most significant are customers, employees and investors.
We engage in an open dialogue with our stakeholders. Some of the dialogues held in 2020 include: Group or individual meetings with analysts, investors and shareholders discussing issues like strategy implementation, the relevance of the 2030 Goals to Sandvik’s business, targets and target outcome and contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Customer dialogues are held continuously, including on issues such as product development for improved safety and energy efficiency of the products. In 2020, much of the dialogue was moved to digital channels, such as the virtual event “Innovation in Mining”. Investors and customers show a markedly increased interest in sustainability-related issues. We have an ongoing dialogue with suppliers relating to the Supplier Code of Conduct. There are continuous dialogues with employees through meetings, employee surveys and performance dialogues and we have included sustainability-related questions in the Sandvik all-employee survey. Sandvik regularly meets with unions and discusses the sustainability agenda. In 2020, we entered a partnership with the Lahti University of Applied Sciences in Finland to share insights on industrial production and sustainability. In September, students from the university carried out a sustainability review at the Lahti site.
Membership in organizations
Sandvik is a member of the UN Global Compact. Sandvik is also part of the industry association Jernkontoret (steel producers), Svemin (mines, minerals and metal producers), the Cobolt Institute and the International Tungsten Industry Association.