Environment, Health and Safety (EHS)
Sandvik has a zero-harm vision for our people, the environment we work in, our customers and our suppliers. All are explicitly included in our 2030 goals (see Sustainability goals 2030). Sandvik’s EHS Policy, Group EHS Objectives and the 2030 Goals drive our health and safety activities. Each business area works to meet these objectives according to their own plans. Targets are set year on year to drive performance on all organizational levels towards the 2030 goals. In addition to our own internal operations, our EHS Policy includes a commitment to external relationships that Sandvik has in the market.
The Sandvik EHS Council consists of representatives from all business areas with its primary aim being to facilitate collaboration across the company that will enhance our progress towards our EHS vision. While EHS activities are decentralized within the business areas, the EHS Council is the forum for identifying, reaching consensus on and implementing common initiatives and procedures. In addition, the Council drafts documents, such as the EHS Policy and objectives and targets, for the Group Executive Management to consider and approve. The council can appoint working groups to work on specific EHS issues, for example environmental working groups.
Our EHS Management systems are based on ISO 14001, ISO 45001, OHSAS 18001 or equivalent standards. Management of individual topics follows the criteria of these frameworks but can go beyond. We have a common EHS Policy for the company and Group Procedures in areas where Sandvik wants to set standards that go above and beyond the requirements of our certified management systems. These procedures handle hazard identification and risk management; incident reporting, investigation and injury management; EHS performance measurement and monitoring; training and competence; small sites and offices procedure. Sites with a lower risk profile do not have to go through the process of external certification. However, these sites will be covered by the requirements in the Group procedure for small sites and offices.
Any specific issues of a more local nature, for example, effluent discharge limits or environmental permits, if not covered in legal requirements, certifications or Group procedures, will be local initiatives adapted to the specific needs at each production unit or business division. The scope of the EHS Management systems includes relationships also outside the company boundaries, and a responsibility to ensure high standards where Sandvik is in control of the work environment. This includes working with risk identification and mitigation in order to prevent any incidents of work-related injuries or occupational illnesses.
Environmental criteria are included in the process for sustainable supplier management and environmental and safety criteria are part of the product development process.
Each Sandvik-controlled location will implement and maintain formal systems and processes for risk assessments. All employees can and are encouraged to report the hazards they observe. The system supports a process for handling all hazards adequately and following them through to completion. The most senior Sandvik manager at each location is responsible for correct handling of the registered hazard.
Each business area / location has an Incident Reporting and Investigation system and is responsible for ensuring the findings from incident investigations are shared within the organization. All employees have access to a colleague in their immediate workplace or as part of their organization who is representing the EHS function within Sandvik.
Health and safety committees are organized depending on the nature of the local organization and the issues within that region. Typically, representatives are from local management, employees and EHS professionals.
Training is provided as part of the induction for all employees and in more depth to EHS professionals. Furthermore, EHS issues are integrated in any training for certain roles. Our training packages vary from classroom training in-house to external training and self-learning, for example, e-learning.
Access to medical and healthcare services is designed based on local needs. It varies from having professional healthcare on site or agreements with external parties where our employees have access to vaccinations, health checks, etc. Health and well-being programs are offered and maintained for all employees. Enrollment is voluntary. The programs are adapted to local needs and address a wide range of issues such as fitness, nutrition, mental health and disease prevention.