Nomination committee
The Nomination Committee is a preparatory body that prepares proposals for, among other things, the election of the Board of Directors, the Chairman of the Board and auditors as well as fees for adoption at the General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting has adopted an instruction for the Nomination Committee, which includes a procedure for appointing the Nomination Committee, valid until a General Meeting resolves a change. In accordance with this instruction, the Nomination Committee shall consist of members appointed by each of the four largest shareholders in terms of the number of votes on the final business day in August plus the Chairman of the Board (convener).
Nomination Committee’s tasks ahead of the 2021 Annual General Meeting
- Proposal concerning the Chairman of the Meeting
- Proposal concerning the number of Board members
- Proposal concerning remuneration of each Board member
- Proposal concerning the Board and Chairman of the Board
- Proposal concerning auditor and remuneration of the auditor
- If deemed necessary, proposal for changes to the Nomination Committee’s instruction concerning the procedure for appointment of the Nomination Committee for the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and its assignment
Nomination Committee for 2021 AGM
For the 2021 Annual General Meeting, the Nomination Committee consists of Fredrik Lundberg, Chairman (Industrivärden), Ann Grevelius (Alecta), Marianne Nilsson (Swedbank Robur Funds), Lars Pettersson (Lundbergs) and Johan Molin (Sandvik’s Chairman of the Board).
Up to the date of this Annual Report, the Nomination Committee met on three occasions. The Nomination Committee was informed of the results of the Board’s own evaluation. The Committee met with the President and CEO that presented the Company’s strategy. The Nomination Committee discussed the general criteria that Board members should fulfill, including the independence requirement, and reviewed the number of Board assignments that each Board member has in other companies. The Nomination Committee applied rule 4.1 of the Code as the diversity policy. This rule states that the Board shall have an appropriate composition in view of the company’s operations, phase of development and other relevant circumstances, display diversity and breadth in terms of qualifications, experience and background of the Board members elected by the General Meeting and that the company shall strive for gender balance.