G28 Supplementary information – financial risk management

Financial risk management

Through its comprehensive international operations, Sandvik is exposed to financial risks.

Group Treasury is the function responsible for managing most of the Group’s financial risks. The primary objectives of the function are to contribute to the creation of value by managing the financial risks to which the Group is exposed to during the ordinary course of business, and to optimize the Group’s financial net.

The Board of Directors is responsible for establishing the Group’s finance policy, which comprises guidelines, objectives, and limits for financial management within Group Treasury as well as the management of financial risks within the Group.

Group Treasury supports subsidiaries with loans, deposits, foreign exchange deals, banking solutions, and acts as an advisor in financial matters. The function conducts internal banking operations and is based at the head office in Stockholm. It is also responsible for the Group’s bank account set-up.

In addition, Group Treasury conducts operations for payment advisory and trade finance, and is responsible for the Group’s global policy for granting credit to customers in conjunction with sales. The customer finance activity is carried out through the business area Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions through selected locations worldwide.

Finally, Group Treasury also manages the financial risks associated with the Group’s defined-benefit pension plans.

Only institutions with a solid financial position and solid credit ratings are accepted as Sandvik’s counterparties in financial transactions.

Currency risk – Transaction exposure


Transaction exposure is defined as the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in foreign exchange rates.

Sandvik’s annual transaction exposure, meaning the Group’s net flow of currencies, after full offsetting of the counter-value in the exporting companies’ local currencies, and measured at the average exchange rate, amounted to SEK 19,376 million (18,364) in 2022. The most important currencies for one year of exposure are shown in the following graph.

Net flow in foreign currencies

Net flow in foreign currencies for 2021 and 2022 (bar chart)


Sandvik generally offers customers the possibility to pay in their own currencies through the global sales organization. As a result, the Group is continuously exposed to currency risks associated with account receivables denominated in foreign currency and with future sales to foreign customers. Since a large percentage of production is concentrated to a few countries, while sales occur in many countries, Sandvik is exposed to a large net inflow of foreign currencies.

In order to mitigate the currency risk, pricing is adjusted against both customers and suppliers in circum­stances where Sandvik is affected negatively by currency movements. To further reduce exposure to foreign currencies, currencies received are used to pay for purchases in the same currency via a netting structure.

Net flow of sales and purchases is hedged through financial instruments and bank account balances in accordance with guidelines set in the Group’s finance policy. In addition, major project orders are currency hedged to protect the gross margin. Under the finance policy, the Chief Financial Officer has a mandate to hedge the annual transaction exposure. At year-end, the total hedged amount was SEK 528 million (1,482). The average duration for the hedged volume of foreign currency was 3 months (4). Unrealized results from outstanding currency contracts for hedging of future net flows amounted to SEK –232 million (–67 ) at year-end. This amount consists of SEK –225 million in losses related to contracts maturing in 2023 and SEK –7 million in losses related to contracts maturing in 2024 or later.

If all exchange rates for the exposure currencies were to change by 5 percent in an unfavorable direction, total EBIT over a 12-month period would change by approximately SEK –2,119 million ( –1,435), assuming that the composition is the same as it was at year-end.

Sensitivity analysis by currency



















Currency risk – Translation exposure


Translation exposure occurs when assets and liabilities are denominated in different currencies.

Since the Swedish krona (SEK) is Sandvik’s functional currency, a translation risk related to the valuation of the net assets in foreign subsidiaries and the profit/loss in foreign currency achieved during the period occurs. The net assets, which usually consist of the foreign subsidiaries’ shareholders equity, are translated to SEK at the rates applied at the balance sheet date. At December 31, the Group’s net assets in subsidiaries in local currencies amounted to SEK 91,589 million (80,044).

Group’s external debt by currency

Group’s external dept by currency for 2021 and 2022 (bar chart)

Net assets by foreign currency

Net assets by foreign currency for 2021 and 2022 (bar chart)


To avoid translation risk in the balance sheets of subsidiaries, they are financed in their functional currency through the internal bank. External borrowing often takes place in a specific currency, as shown in the first graph. The currency risk that arises in the internal bank as a result of this is managed using various derivatives.

Sandvik has chosen not to hedge future profits in foreign subsidiaries. Net assets are also not hedged, but the differences that arise due to changes in exchange rates since the preceding quarter are recognized directly in other comprehensive income. The second graph shows the distribution of net assets among various currencies.

If exchange rates were to change by 5 percent in an unfavorable direction the net effect on other comprehensive income would be approximately SEK –4,596 million (–3,954). This net effect primarily comprises translation exposure in equity.

Sensitivity analysis by currency



















Interest rate risk


Interest-rate risk is defined as the risk that changes in market interest rates will have on the Group’s net interest items. The impact on net interest items of a change in interest rates depends on the interest terms of assets and liabilities. Sandvik measures interest-rate risk as the change over the forthcoming 12 months given a 1 percentage point change in interest rates.

Interest-rate risk arises in two ways:

  • The Company may have invested in interest-bearing assets, the value of which changes when the interest rate changes.
  • The cost of the Company’s borrowing fluctuates when the general interest-rate situation changes.


If market rates were to rise by 1 percentage point across all terms, in relation to loans for which the interest rate will be reset during the coming year, interest costs would be impacted by SEK –165 million (–119).

An interest-rate sensitivity analysis of interest-rate swap agreements valid at year-end, and to which hedge accounting was applied, shows that other comprehensive income would change by SEK 8 million (19) and interest cost in the income statement would change by SEK –65 million (0) as a result of a 1 percentage point rise in the interest-rate curve.

Interest rates and fixed-interest terms on outstanding loans

Including effect of interest-rate derivatives

Effective rate of interest, %

Fixed-interest term, months

Recognized liability, MSEK

Bond loans, MTN




Commercial papers




Other loans from banks




Total loans








Interest effect of currency derivatives


Total incl. currency derivatives



The Group’s interest-rate risk arises mainly in connection with borrowing. Interest-rate swap agreements are sometimes used to achieve the desired fixed-interest term. The Group Chief Financial Officer has a mandate to vary the average fixed-interest term of the Group’s debt portfolio within an interval of 6–36 months. The average fixed-interest term on Sandvik’s borrowing was 24 months (34) at year-end, with consideration given to interest-rate swap agreements entered into.

In line with the Group’s finance policy, internal lending to foreign subsidiaries is hedged with currency derivatives. Consequently, there is an interest-rate effect in currency derivatives of 0.3 percentages points between the currencies the Group borrows and the currencies the Group lends. The Group’s average interest expense, including other loans and effects of various derivatives, was 3.2 percent (4.1).

Hedge accounting is applied when an effective link exists between hedged loans and interest-rate swaps. To the extent that fair value hedges are effective the value of the hedged items are adjusted and the effects on the profit for the year are reduced. When cashflow hedges are effective, the effects are transferred from profit for the year to other comprehensive income.

The Group has interest-rate swap agreements with a notional amount of EUR 1,000 million to which it applies fair value hedging and interest-rate swap agreements with a notional amount of SEK 1,000 million to which it applies cash flow hedging. The hedge relationships for these are 100 percent effective. Further information of all interest-rate derivatives can be found at the end of this note.

Sandvik’s loan conditions do not currently entail financial covenants linked to key figures. Only under exceptional circumstances are assets pledged in connection with the raising of loans. Such pledging is disclosed in note G27.

In the event that Sandvik has surplus liquidity, it is placed in bank deposits or in short-term money market instruments (durations of up to 90 days), which means that the interest-rate risk (the risk of a change in value) is low.

Liquidity and refinancing risk


Liquidity and refinancing risk is defined as the risk that financing possibilities will be limited when loans are to be refinanced, and that payment commitments cannot be met as a result of insufficient liquidity.

Maturity profile for borrowing and liquid assets
Nominal amount
Cash and cash equivalents

Bar chart that shows the debt profile for borrowing and liquid assets (bar chart)
Borrowing and remaining credit periods



Recognized liability, MSEK

Average remaining credit periods, years

Bond loans, MTN




Commercial papers




Other loans from banks




Total borrowings





According to the finance policy, the Group’s liquidity reserve, comprising of unutilized committed credit facilities and accessible cash and cash equivalents, should at all times exceed 10 percent of the Group’s projected annual revenues. The liquidity reserve should also exceed the amount of loans maturing within 12 months. At year-end, the Group’s committed long-term credit facilities and accessible cash amounted to SEK 22,834 million. Loans maturing in 2023 are SEK 9,092 million (9,769).

Sandvik has a revolving credit facility totaling SEK 11,000 million maturing in 2027. In addition, Sandvik has a committed credit facility totaling EUR 500 million that can be substituted for a long-term loan before 2024. The facilities were unutilized at year-end.

The aim of Sandvik’s financing strategy is to achieve a well-balanced maturity profile for liabilities to thereby reduce the refinancing risk. The finance policy further stipulates that the debt portfolio’s weighted average duration should exceed 3 years. At year-end 2022, the weighted average duration amounted to 3.6 years. The maturity structure for the Group’s financial liabilities and derivatives is presented further down in this note.

At year-end, Standard & Poor’s, the international credit rating agency, had assigned an A- credit rating to Sandvik’s long-term borrowing and A–2 for its short-term borrowing. For a continuous update on Sandvik’s credit rating, please visit home.sandvik.

Credit risk


The Group’s commercial and financial transactions give rise to credit risk in relation to Sandvik’s counterparties. Credit risk or counterparty risk is defined as the risk for losses if the counterparty does not fulfill its commitments.

The credit risk to which Sandvik is exposed to can be divided into three categories:

  • Financial credit risk
  • Credit risk in trade receivables
  • Credit risk in customer financing


Total credit risk



Trade receivables1)



Cash and cash equivalents



Unrealized net gains on derivatives



Other receivables



Outstanding credits







Excludes assets held for sales.

Expected credit loss




Opening balance, January 1



Provisions made during the year



Provisions used during the year



Unutilized provisions reversed during the year



Business combination



Translation difference



Closing balance, December 31




Sandvik has entered into agreements with the company’s most significant banks, covering such matters as the right to offset assets and liabilities that arise from financial derivative transactions, so-called ISDA agreements. This means that the company’s counterparty exposure to the financial sector is limited to the unrealized net gains that arise in derivative agreements, and investments and bank balances. At December 31, the value of these amounted to SEK 11,127 million (14,414).

Sandvik companies are generally exposed to credit risk associated with outstanding trade receivables from ongoing sales. The credit risk is normally spread over a large number of customers within different segments in the business areas, however this year was largely impacted by the exit from Russia which alone caused credit losses amounting to SEK –140 million. Sandvik’s total credit losses, defined as the total of receivables written off and change in bad debt reserve, amounted to SEK –194 million (–15), equivalent to 0.2 percent of sales. This means that excluding Russia, credit losses were comparable to a more normal year. The gross value of trade receivables was SEK 19,606 million (18,077) at December 31. Total impairment of these was SEK –921 million (–734). An age analysis of trade receivables at December 31, is presented in note G19.

Sandvik offers short- and long-term customer financing through its own Financial Services companies and in partnership with financial institutions and banks. At year-end, the value of outstanding credits referring to finance leases amounted to SEK 5,277 million (4,125), of which SEK –150 million (–138) was reserved for doubtful receivables.

In addition to the traditional financing of equipment, Sandvik also offers operational leases for machinery as well as short-term rentals. At year-end, the net carrying amount of the operational lease portfolio was SEK 791 million (812) and the short-term rentals was SEK 537 million (321).

Raw materials price risk


Sandvik’s financial risks related to raw materials are primarily concentrated to electricity. The price risk is partially hedged through the signing of financial contracts. A change in the electricity price of SEK 0.1 per kWh is estimated to affect Sandvik’s EBITA by plus or minus SEK 85 million (80) on an annual basis, based on the prevailing conditions at year-end 2022.


For Sandvik’s large production units in Sweden and Finland, the electricity price is continuously hedged through derivatives. Electricity consumption at these units normally totals around 510 GWh. The hedging horizon at year-end was about 36 months (26) expected consumption.


The volume of electricity hedged with derivatives was 264.2 GWh (1,499) at year-end. The market value of these derivative contracts amounted to SEK 175 million (367).

For a more detailed breakdown of the quarterly effects on cash flow of the transactions that have been recognized in the hedge reserve, see the table at the end of this note.

Pension commitments


Sandvik has comprehensive pension obligations in the countries in which it operates. The pension solutions and funding requirements vary depending on legislation and local agreements. The largest funded pension plans are found in the US, UK, Finland, Sweden, Germany, and Canada. Three main risks are associated with Sandvik’s pension obligations; interest rate fluctuations, capital market volatility, and changes in life expectancy.


The Group-funded pension liability has an average duration of 14.2 years. The average duration of the Group’s interest-bearing assets in the pension portfolio is 12.4 years. The allocation to interest-bearing assets is 55 percent of the pension portfolio. Due to the asset allocation and differences in duration between the interest-bearing assets and the liability, Sandvik is exposed to interest rate fluctuations, both when discounting the liability but also as market values change in the bond portfolio. If the average discount rate falls by –50 basis points the pension liability would increase by SEK 1,662 million.

17 percent of the pension portfolio is invested in equities. A 20 percent movement in the equity portfolio would result in a change in market value of SEK 703 million. If the life expectancy assumptions increase by one year, the pension liability would rise by 3.0 percent which corresponds to SEK 700 million. The calculated total loss potential for one year (pension risk), based on stress tests, is on aggregate SEK 6,484 million.

Development of pension liability and assets

The development of pension liability and assets for 2018-2022 (bar chart)


In 2022, the pension assets totaled SEK 21,699 million (27,806) and the corresponding pension liability amounted to SEK 21,766 million (30,978), which is equal to a funding level of 100 percent (90). The return on Sandvik’s pension assets was –17.1 percent during the year (8.0). In addition, Sandvik has unfunded pension commitments of SEK 1,396 million (1,822).

The pension plans are governed through Sandvik’s Pension Supervisory Board (PSB). PSB is responsible for implementing policies and directives, approving new plans or material changes and closure of existing plans. The pension plans and governance are further described in note G22.

The Group’s financial instruments measured at fair value in the balance sheet




Financial assets





Foreign exchange contracts



Electricity and other derivatives









Financial liabilities






Foreign exchange contracts



Interest-rate swaps



Electricity and other derivatives







Included in other receivables and financial assets.


Included in other liabilities.

Financial assets and liabilities are not offset in the balance sheet. Derivative contracts are subject to framework agreements governing offsetting, and the carrying amounts of assets not offset in the balance sheet amounted to SEK 638 million. The carrying amount of corresponding liabilities was SEK –1,246 million. No collateral has been received or pledged. In the event of a default by a derivative counterparty, assets and liabilities for a total value of SEK 190 million would be offset in accordance with the framework agreement governing offsetting.

Calculation at fair value of the Group’s non-current borrowings would decrease the total carrying amount by SEK 1,427 million (–1,510). When measuring interest-bearing liabilities, the company’s Swedish and European bond loans have been remeasured using observable market prices for identical securities to value the Group’s marketable debt instruments. Other non-current debt has been remeasured in accordance with the principles described below. For short-term loans and deposits, no remeasurement was carried out, given that the carrying amount is considered to represent a good approximation of the fair value due to the short duration.

Financial assets and liabilities by valuation category


Fair value through profit or loss

Amortized costs

Hedge Accounting

Total carrying amount










Balance sheet items









Financial assets









Financial investments





Trade receivables1)





Other receivables2)












Cash and cash equivalents





Total financial assets


















Financial liabilities





















Accounts payable1)





Due to associates





Other liabilities7)





Total financial liabilities










Excludes assets held for sales.


Comprises parts of the Group’s other receivables and accrued income from contract assets, financial leasing, and customer financing recognized in the balance sheet.


Derivatives form part of the other receivables and financial assets, recognized in the balance sheet.


Recognized in the balance sheet as non-current and current liabilities to financial institutions and other liabilities.


Whereof notional EUR 1,000 million is part of a fair value hedge.


Derivatives form part of the other liabilities recognized in the balance sheet.


Form part of the Group’s other liabilities and accrued expenses from leasing recognized in the balance sheet.

Net result per valuation category

The Company’s financial liabilities amounted to SEK 65,597 million (47,243) at year-end.




Fair value through profit or loss



Amortized costs



Hedge accounting



Maturity structure relating to undiscounted cash flows for financial liabilities and derivatives, nominal amounts







<6 months

6–12 months

1–5 years

>5 years

<6 months

6–12 months

1–5 years

>5 years

Bank loans

EUR, Other








Commercial papers




Medium Term Notes






























- Currency derivatives









whereof outflow








whereof inflow







- Interest rate derivatives









- Electricity and other derivatives


















Accounts payable1)















Excludes assets held for sales.

Periods when hedged cash flows in the hedge reserve are expected to occur and affect earnings


Q1 2023

Q2 2023

Q3 2023

Q4 2023

Q1 2024

Q2 2024

Q3 2024

Q4 2024

2025 and later

Interest rate derivatives






Derivative financial instruments – interest-rate swaps


Cash flow hedges

Fair value hedges
















Carrying amount (included in other liabilities)






Notional amount






Change in fair value since January 1






Accounting principles

Financial instruments

Financial instruments recognized in the balance sheet include assets, such as account receivables, financial investments and derivatives, and liabilities such as loan liabilities, account payables, and derivatives.

Recognition and derecognition

A financial asset or a financial liability is recognized on the balance sheet when the entity becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the instrument. Account receivables are recognized upon issuance of the invoice. A liability is recognized when the counterparty has performed under the agreement and the company is contractually obliged to settle the obligation, even if no invoice has been received.

At initial recognition, the Group measures financial assets and liabilities at its fair value plus or minus, in the case of a financial asset or liability not at fair value through profit or loss (FVPL), transaction costs including all fees, premiums and discounts that are directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of the financial asset and liability. Transaction costs of financial assets and liabilities carried at FVPL are expensed in the income statement.

A financial asset is derecognized when the rights to receive cash flows under the agreement have expired, or have been transferred and the Group has substantially transferred all of the risks and rewards. A financial liability is derecognized when the obligation specified in the contract is discharged or otherwise expires.

A financial asset and a financial liability are offset and presented in a net amount in the balance sheet only if there is a legally enforceable right to offset the recognized amounts and there is an intention either to settle on a net basis or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.

Classification and measurement

Financial assets excluding derivatives

Financial assets excluding derivatives, include equity and debt instruments. The Group classifies its financial assets as those to be measured at fair value, and those to be measured at amortized cost.

Equity instruments are measured at fair value, and gains and losses are recorded in the income statement. For those that are not held for trading, this will depend on whether the Group has made an irrevocable election at the time of initial recognition to account for the equity investment at fair value through other comprehensive income.

For debt instruments, which includes accounts receivables, the classification depends on the Group’s business model for managing the financial assets and the contractual terms of the cash flows. Amortized Cost: Assets that are held for collection of contractual cash flows, where those cash flows represent solely payments of principal and interest, are measured at amortized cost. Interest income from these financial assets is included in financial income using the effective interest rate method. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition is recognized directly in the income statement. Fair Value through profit and loss: Assets that do not meet the criteria for amortized cost are measured as fair value through profit and loss.

Financial instruments measured at fair value in the balance sheet

Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date. Under the IFRS 13 disclosure requirements, the method applied to the valuation of assets and liabilities measured at fair value in the balance sheet is presented below. The valuation is divided into three levels:

Level 1: Fair value is determined according to prices listed on an active market for the same instrument.

Level 2: Fair value is determined based on either directly (as a price) or indirectly (derived from prices) observable market data that is not included in level 1.

Level 3: Fair value is determined based on input data that is not observable in the market.

All of Sandvik’s financial instruments measured at fair value are measured according to Level 2.

Measurements of fair value

The fair value of foreign exchange contracts is determined based on observable market prices. The fair value of interest-rate swaps is based on discounting estimated future cash flows under the contractual terms and conditions and maturity dates and based on the market interest rate for similar instruments on the balance sheet date. Where discounted cash flows are used, the future cash flows are calculated on the best assessments of company management. The discount rate applied is the market-based interest rate of similar instruments at the balance sheet date.

All valuation techniques applied are accepted in the market and take into account all parameters that the market would consider in its pricing. These techniques are reviewed regularly so as to ensure their reliability. Applied assumptions are compared against actual outcomes to identify any needs for adjusting the measurement or forecasting tools.

For means of payment, receivables and payables with variable interest and current receivables and payables (for example, trade receivables and accounts payable), the fair value has been considered to correspond to the carrying amount.

Hedge accounting

Hedge accounting is applied in accordance with IAS 39 to decrease volatility in the income statement. To meet the criteria there must be a clear relationship between the hedging instrument and the hedged item. The relationship is expected to be highly effective and it must be possible to reliably measure such effectiveness. Moreover, the hedge must be formally designated and documented. Gains and losses on remeasurement of derivatives used for hedging purposes are recognized as described below under cash flow hedges and fair value hedges.

Cash flow hedges

Hedge accounting is applied when hedging a particular risk associated with highly probable future cash flows and forecast transactions. The effective portion of the change in fair value for the year, of derivatives that are qualified as cash flow hedges in the hedge transaction, is recognized in other comprehensive income and the accumulated changes in a separate component of shareholders’ equity. The ineffective portion of a gain or loss is immediately recognized in the income statement. When the hedged item impacts income statement, the accumulated changes in value of the hedging instrument are reclassified to the income statement. The gain or loss relating to the effective portion of hedging instruments is recognized in the income statement within the same line as the hedged item.

Fair-value hedges

A fair value hedge is a hedge of the risk for changes to the fair value of a financial asset or liability. When a hedging instrument is used to hedge the exposure to changes in fair value, changes to the fair value of the instrument are recognized in the income statement for the year. The gain or loss on the hedged item attributable to the hedged risk, adjusts the carrying amount of the hedged liability and the change for the period is recognized in profit or loss. Realized and unrealized interest is reported in the income statement for the year for both the hedge and the hedged item.

Sandvik applies fair-value hedges to hedge the fair value of fixed rate funding recognized in the balance sheet, provided that the hedged item is otherwise recognized at amortized cost. The derivative instrument used is interest rate swaps. If the hedge relationship is discontinued, the carrying amount of the hedged item is adjusted with the accumulated amount referring to the hedge relationship.

Expected credit losses

Sandvik evaluates its trade receivables, contract assets and financial leases on a collective basis for each category, respectively. Each reporting entity classifies their receivables in suitable risk categories according to the Group policy.

Expected credit loss provisions are based on the full lifetime expected credit loss model with a provision matrix where fixed provision rates are applied depending on the number of days outstanding. The entities consider reasonable and supportable information about past events, current conditions and reasonable and supportable forecasts of future economic conditions when measuring the expected credit losses.

Credit risks are classified based on credit information provided by credit agencies, identified payment behavior of the customer and other relevant information available, such as lost contracts, changes in company management and other customer-specific information. Additionally, a macroeconomic evaluation is conducted on the outlook of industries and countries relevant for our customers. Changes to the allowance for expected credit losses for accounts receivables are recognized in selling expenses.

Writing off

Sandvik’s principles for the writing off of receivables are based on several prerequisites, such as proof of write-off, insolvency or failed legal and other collection processes. An assessment is made whether one or several of these prerequisites are fulfilled before the write-off takes place.

Credit securities

The Group selectively utilizes different forms of credit securities, such as letters of credit, retention of title or credit insurance.