Annual Report 2021
2021 in brief
Key figures
Revenues, MSEK
Adjusted EBIT, MSEK1)
Earnings per share, SEK
Number of employees
Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate, TRIFR2)
Employees trained in Sandvik’s Code of Conduct, %
1) Adjusted for items affecting comparability, see Development in business areas.
3) Total number of recordable injuries per million hours worked.
Review 2021
We made important progress in the shift to growth, including 14 acquisitions. Watch our video where we summarize financial results and major events.
Letter from the CEO AcquisitionsSustainable business
Sandvik made good progress on our sustainability goals. We reduced our CO2 emissionis by 16.4 percent and committed to the Science Based Targets initiative. Watch the video where we summarize our sustainability year.
Sustainability goals 2030 Non-financial notesBusiness Areas

Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions
Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions
A leading supplier in equipment and tools, service and solutions for the mining industry and rock excavation within the infrastructure industry.
Share of revenues
Share of adjusted EBIT
- Underground Drilling
- Load and Haul
- Surface Drilling
- Rotary Drilling
- Mechanical Cutting
- Rock Tools
- Ground Support
- Digital Mining Technologies
- Parts and Services

Sandvik Rock Processing Solutions

Sandvik Manufacturing and Machining Solutions

Sandvik Materials Technology
Sandvik Materials Technology
A leading developer and manufacturer of advanced stainless steels, powderbased alloys and special alloys for the most demanding industries.
Share of revenues
Share of adjusted EBIT
- Tube
- Kanthal
- Strip
Revenues by customer segment
Revenues by market area
Targets and target fulfillment
Sandvik has long-term financial targets focusing on growth and profitability over a business cycle. Maintaining a strong financial position and dividend are also prioritized areas.
Financial information
This section includes: Financial statements, Notes, Board statement on dividend proposal, Proposed appropriation of profits, Auditor’s report.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Sandvik is committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and we have defined the goals that are most relevant to us. See how we contribute to them.
The official audited version of the Annual Report is the Swedish version.
Download Annual Report 2021 as PDF