Annual Report
Year in brief
Key Figures
Revenues, MSEK
Adjusted operating profit, MSEK
Earnings per share, SEK
Number of employees
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate, LTIFR
Employees trained in Sandvik’s Code of Conduct, %
Business Areas

Sandvik Machining Solutions
Sandvik Machining Solutions
A market-leading manufacturer of tools and tooling systems for advanced metal cutting.
Share of revenues
Share of adjusted operating profit
- Sandvik Coromant
- Seco
- Walter
- Dormer Pramet
- Sandvik Machining Solutions Supply
- Additive Manufacturing
- Applied Manufacturing Technologies

Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology

Sandvik Materials Technology
Revenues by Customer Segment

Revenues by Market Area

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Sandvik is committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development goals (SDGs). Sustainable development is relevant in the business sense, for example, how Sandvik’s products and services help customers decrease climate impact.
UN SDGsVision and strategy
Sandvik is creating value for its customers, shareholders, employees and other stakeholders based on its vision, strategy and core capabilities.
Vision and strategySustainability notes
This is the thirteenth consecutive year of Sustainable Business reporting for Sandvik.
Sustainability notesTargets and target fulfillment
Sandvik’s financial targets in the period 2016–2018 focused on improved operating profit, higher returns and a strengthening of the balance sheet, while maintaining a generous dividend policy.
Financial information
This section includes: Financial statements, Significant accounting policies, Notes, Board statement on dividend proposal, Proposed appropriation of profits, Auditor’s report
Community engagement
Sandvik operates in communities around the world and actively contributes to corporate social responsibility. Many of our efforts in 2018 went into improving the health, education and safety of our many neighbors.
The official audited version of the Annual Report is the Swedish version.
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