Annual Report
2019 in brief
Key Figures
Revenues, MSEK
Adjusted operating profit, MSEK1)
Earnings per share, SEK
Number of employees
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate, LTIFR2)
Employees trained in Sandvik’s Code of Conduct, %
1) Adjusted for items affecting comparability.
2) Injuries resulting in lost time per million hours worked.
Review 2019
2019 was a successful and eventful year for Sandvik. Watch our video, summarizing financial results and major events.
Letter from the CEOBusiness Areas

Sandvik Machining Solutions
Sandvik Machining Solutions
A market-leading manufacturer of tools and tooling systems for advanced metal cutting, expanding into digital and additive manufacturing.
Share of revenues
Share of adjusted operating profit
- Sandvik Coromant
- Seco
- Walter
- Dormer Pramet
- Wolfram
- Additive Manufacturing
- Applied Manufacturing Technologies

Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology

Sandvik Materials Technology
Revenues by Customer Segment

Revenues by Market Area

Sustainable business
Sandvik is committed to using engineering and innovation to make the shift that will drive more sustainable business. Watch the video summarizing our sustainability year 2019 and read about our new 2030 sustainabilty goals.
Our vision and strategy
Sandvik is creating value for its customers, shareholders, employees and other stakeholders based on its vision, strategy and core capabilities.
Our vision and strategyNon-financial notes
This is the fourteenth consecutive year of sustainable business reporting for Sandvik. Explore the results of our approach to sustainability.
Non-financial notesTargets and target fulfillment
Sandvik adopted new long-term financial targets in 2019, focusing on growth and profitabilty over a business cycle. Maintaining a strong financial position and dividend are also prioritized.
Financial information
This section includes: Financial statements, Significant accounting policies, Notes, Board statement on dividend proposal, Proposed appropriation of profits, Auditor’s report
Sandvik is committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and we have defined the goals that are most relevant to us. See how we contribute to them.
The official audited version of the Annual Report is the Swedish version.
Download Annual Report 2019 as PDF